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Male Teacher with Students
Celebrate Dyslexia Logo


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Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

The Texas State Board of Education has granted charter approval to Celebrate Dyslexia Schools, San Antonio’s first school dedicated to providing a transformative educational experience for dyslexic learners. 

Application & Enrollment Timeline

Enrollment Window

First Day

March 11th - 
April 30th

August 12th

A Day at
Celebrate Dyslexia Schools

Co-Located at the DoSeum

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Career Opportunities

Teacher and Pupils
Special Education Teacher

As a Special Education Teacher, you will be responsible for providing specialized instruction and support to students with diverse learning needs. Your role will involve creating and implementing individualized education plans, collaborating with other educators and professionals, and fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment.

Front Office Manager

The office manager handles financial transactions, facility use, insurance, athletics, master calendar, attendance, and coordinates meetings. The office manager organizes, directs, and performs various complex clerical, and secretarial services within the school and work on miscellaneous activities and other projects as assigned.

Rotation Teacher

Provide students with appropriate in-person activities and experiences in the elective areas of PE, Music and Art, etc. To be able to help them fulfill their potential for intellectual, emotional, physical, and social growth. Enable students to develop competencies and skills to function successfully in society. 


We are seeking a dedicated Instructional Assistant to join our team for 167 student instructional days for the 2024-2025 instructional calendar. The ideal candidate will support teachers in implementing educational programs and providing assistance to students in a learning environment with a passion for teaching and education.

Implement the special education evaluation process, as well as guidance for the campus in curriculum and assessment. Assess the educational, learning styles, and program needs of students referred to special education services. Provide diagnostic information and work cooperatively with instructional personnel to provide the most appropriate programs for students with disabilities.

Educational Diagnostician/Special Education Coordinator


Celebrate Dyslexia Schools (CDS) tiene la misiĆ³n de servir a una comunidad histĆ³ricamente marginada al educar a niƱos dislĆ©xicos a travĆ©s de una intervenciĆ³n basada en evidencia en un entorno enriquecedor y emocionalmente seguro. 

Celebrate Dyslexia Schools Logo


Desk with lamp and books


TEA informa que el 4.5% de los estudiantes en la RegiĆ³n 20 estaban recibiendo servicios de dislexia.  El veinte por ciento de los estudiantes que cruzan el umbral de la escuela todos los dĆ­as tienen dislexia, ya sea identificada o no. Eso significa que hasta 71,145 niƱos en nuestra regiĆ³n no reciben los servicios que necesitan para leer al nivel de su grado.

iPad and dollar bill


En todo el paĆ­s, cuesta un promedio de casi $30,000 al aƱo asistir a una escuela privada orientada a brindar una educaciĆ³n especializada para estudiantes dislĆ©xicos. Debido a estos costos prohibitivos, la mayorĆ­a de los estudiantes dislĆ©xicos no pueden acceder a las herramientas que necesitan.  




Teacher calling on student in classroom


SegĆŗn un estudio realizado por el Youth Trust Report, el 74 % de los docentes de aula no se sienten satisfechos de que su formaciĆ³n docente inicial les haya proporcionado las habilidades que necesitan para identificar y enseƱar a los niƱos con dislexia.

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Girl in Classroom
No lo logrĆ© a pesar de mi dislexia, sino gracias a ella. No era mi dĆ©ficit, sino mi ventaja. Aunque hay compensaciones neurolĆ³gicas que requieren que trabaje de manera creativa [y] mĆ”s inteligente al leer, escribir y hablar, nunca desearĆ­a ser de otra manera que no sea mi maravilloso yoā€.

-Scott Sonnen


Ser una incubadora tecnolĆ³gicamente innovadora para las mejores prĆ”cticas que guĆ­en a la comunidad dislĆ©xica, a travĆ©s de la integraciĆ³n de la alfabetizaciĆ³n estructurada, el apoyo socioemocional y brindando oportunidades para llevar a toda la familia a la alfabetizaciĆ³n a travĆ©s de sistemas y procesos que superarĆ”n la pobreza generacional y la escuela-to - tuberĆ­a de la prisiĆ³n.  Al incluir socios de pensamiento estratĆ©gicos locales y nacionales, este trabajo se sumarĆ” al conjunto de conocimientos de la comunidad dislĆ©xica y saturarĆ” a la comunidad de San Antonio con maestros bien capacitados y estudiantes educados que se conviertan en lectores hĆ”biles.  


Dyslexic Community
Celebrate Dyslexia Schools Network



Celebrate Dyslexia Schools es una respuesta a la necesidad identificada a travĆ©s de nuestra organizaciĆ³n asociada Celebrate Dyslexia, lanzada en 2019 con la misiĆ³n de celebrar, educar y empoderar a uno de cada cinco con dislexia.

El trabajo realizado en Celebrate Dyslexia Schools tendrĆ” un impacto en toda nuestra comunidad dislĆ©xica en toda la ciudad. Con una asociaciĆ³n universitaria, los maestros serĆ”n capacitados y comenzarĆ”n a impactar cada campus de nuestra comunidad.


You are understood. 

You will be educated.

You will be heard.

You are not alone.

You will be taught to
your strengths.

Celebrate Dyslexia Schools Logo
Our Model
Our Team



jazmĆ­n decano

Jasmin Dean es cofundadora y directora ejecutiva de Celebrate Dyslexia, una organizaciĆ³n sin fines de lucro que fomenta una comunidad para celebrar, educar y empoderar a 1 de cada 5 con dislexia.

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Alfredo Breuer 

Alfred Breuer es asesor del Banco de la Reserva Federal de Dallas y lidera los esfuerzos de divulgaciĆ³n para las regiones de San Antonio y Corpus Christi de la Sucursal de San Antonio.

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Michelle CantĆŗ

Michelle CantĆŗ tiene mĆ”s de 10 aƱos de experiencia en Recursos Humanos y AdquisiciĆ³n de Talento y actualmente trabaja como Consultora de Relaciones Laborales especializada en investigaciones de RRHH para Nationwide Insurance, una compaƱƭa Fortune 100


Shereen Radusca

Con casi 20 aƱos de experiencia en la adquisiciĆ³n, disposiciĆ³n, gestiĆ³n de activos y carteras y co-desarrollo de viviendas asequibles y militares, la Sra. Radusca posee una combinaciĆ³n Ćŗnica de calificaciones de asesorĆ­a inmobiliaria.


Claudia Garcia

Claudia Garcia, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Instruction at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) with a career that spans more than 28 years in the field of bilingual education. She is the current lead for the Bilingual Teacher Residency Program at UTSA. 

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Jillian Duran

Jillian Duran is a native of San Antonio's south side who learned from experience that access to education can open doors. A graduate of Georgetown University in Washington DC, she has extensive experience in management consulting and has also worked for and with local charter schools for the last 8 years.


Roger Hackett

Roger is an innovator with extensive experience in the mobile and publishing industry where he helped revolutionize the entertainment experience with products like the iPod, WebTV/UltimateTV, Microsoft Surface  and more.


Claudia Garcia

Claudia Garcia, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Instruction at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) with a career that spans more than 28 years in the field of bilingual education. She is the current lead for the Bilingual Teacher Residency Program at UTSA. 


Alfred Breuer

Alfred Breuer is an International Economic Development Manager at the City of San Antonio.


Alfred Breuer

Alfred Breuer is an International Economic Development Manager at the City of San Antonio.

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Thank you to our sponsors!

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Food Service RFP Closes 06/07/2024 at 5:00 PM

Image by Weston MacKinnon

Ā”Gracias por enviar!

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